
How Does The Tissue Jumbo Roll Made Of The Virgin Wood Pulp Board?

How to make the tissue jumbo roll from the virgin wood pulp board?

Tissue jumbo rolls are large reels of tissue paper that are used to produce various finished products such as toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, handkerchiefs and so on. They can be made of different kinds of pulps, such as virgin pulp, recycled pulp or mixed pulp. In this article, we will focus on how tissue jumbo rolls are made of virgin wood pulp board.

virgin wood pulp board for tissue paper production

Virgin wood pulp board

Virgin wood pulp board is a type of raw material that is derived from wood chips of softwood and hardwood trees. It is called virgin because it has not been used or recycled before. Virgin wood pulp board has a high quality and purity, which makes it suitable for producing soft and strong tissue paper.

Tissue jumbo roll production process

The production process of tissue jumbo rolls from virgin wood pulp board can be divided into four main stages: pulping and refining, paper making, winding and converting.

wood pulp boad Pulping and refining

Pulping and refining

The first stage is to transform the virgin wood pulp board into a pulp paste that can be used for paper making. This involves the following steps:

– The virgin wood pulp board is cut into small pieces and mixed with water and chemicals in a digester. The mixture is cooked under high temperature and pressure to dissolve the lignin (the glue that binds the wood fibers together) and separate the cellulose fibers.

– The cooked pulp is washed and screened to remove the impurities and the remaining lignin. The washed pulp is then bleached with chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide to whiten it and remove any traces of color.

– The bleached pulp is refined by passing it through a series of discs or cones that beat and fibrillate the fibers, making them more flexible and absorbent.

A complete tissue PAPER production line

Paper making

The second stage is to form the refined pulp into a thin sheet of tissue paper. This involves the following steps:

– The refined pulp is diluted with water to form a slurry that has about 99% water and 1% fiber. The slurry is sprayed onto a moving wire mesh screen that drains the water and forms a wet web of tissue paper.

– The wet web is pressed between two felt rollers to remove more water and increase the strength of the paper. The pressed web is then dried by passing it through a series of heated cylinders or a hot air hood that evaporates the remaining water.

– The dried web is creped by scraping it off with a metal blade at an angle. This creates small wrinkles on the surface of the paper, which enhance its softness, bulkiness and stretchability.

PrimeLineTM W 2000 tissue machine
ANDRITZ to supply a tissue production line with double-width tissue machine to Asia Symbol (Guangdong) Paper, China


The third stage is to wind the tissue paper into large reels called parent rolls or jumbo rolls. This involves the following steps:

– The creped tissue paper is wound around a steel core at a high speed. The winding tension is controlled by a device called a rider roll that presses on the paper roll.

– The wound paper roll is cut by a slitter into smaller widths according to the specifications of the customers. The slit paper rolls are then transferred to a reel stand that holds them until they are ready for converting.

Tissue Paper Machine Rewinder | Slitting and Cutting Paper
Paper Machine Rewinder | Slitting and Cutting Paper


The fourth stage is to convert the jumbo rolls into finished products that are ready for sale. This involves the following steps:

– The jumbo rolls are unwound and fed into a converting machine that performs various operations such as printing, embossing, perforating, rewinding, cutting and packaging.

– The converting machine can produce different types of finished products such as toilet rolls, paper towels, napkins, handkerchiefs etc. depending on the configuration and settings.

– The converted products are then packed into bundles, cases or pallets and shipped to the customers.

industrial pumps are also used for TISSUE paper coating

Machines and equipment used for tissue jumbo roll production

The production of tissue jumbo rolls from virgin wood pulp board requires various machines and equipment that perform different functions and tasks. Some of the main machines and equipment used are:

– Digester: A large pressure vessel that cooks the wood chips with water and chemicals to produce pulp.

– Washer: A device that washes and cleans the pulp by removing impurities and lignin.

– Bleacher: A device that bleaches the pulp by adding chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide to whiten it and remove any traces of color.

– Refiner: A device that refines the pulp by beating and fibrillating the fibers to make them more flexible and absorbent.

– Headbox: A device that distributes the diluted pulp slurry evenly onto the wire mesh screen for paper making.

– Wire section: A part of the paper machine that consists of a wire mesh screen that drains the water from the pulp slurry and forms a wet web of tissue paper.

– Press section: A part of the paper machine that consists of two felt rollers that press the wet web to remove more water and increase the strength of the paper.

– Dryer section: A part of the paper machine that consists of heated cylinders or a hot air hood that dry the pressed web by evaporating the remaining water.

– Creping unit: A device that crepes the dried web by scraping it off with a metal blade at an angle to create small wrinkles on the surface of the paper.

– Winder: A device that winds the creped tissue paper around a steel core at a high speed to form jumbo rolls.

– Slitter: A device that cuts the wound jumbo rolls into smaller widths according to customer specifications.

– Reel stand: A device that holds the slit jumbo rolls until they are ready for converting.

– Converting machine: A device that converts

the jumbo rolls into finished products by performing various operations such as printing, embossing, perforating, rewinding, cutting and packaging.

tissue paper mother roll


Tissue jumbo rolls are large reels of tissue paper that are used to produce various finished products such as toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, handkerchiefs etc. They can be made of different kinds of pulps, such as virgin pulp, recycled pulp or mixed pulp. In this article, we focused on how tissue jumbo rolls are made of virgin wood pulp board.

The production process of tissue jumbo rolls from virgin wood pulp board can be divided into four main stages: pulping and refining, paper making, winding and converting. Each stage involves different steps, machines and equipment that transform the raw material into a final product.

The following table summarizes the main stages, steps, machines and equipment used for tissue jumbo roll production from virgin wood pulp board.

Sure, here is a chart summarizing the main stages, steps, machines and equipment used for tissue jumbo roll production from virgin wood pulp board:

Pulping and refining1. Debarking and chipping
2. Digestion and washing
3. Bleaching and screening
4. Refining
1. Debarker and chipper
2. Digesters, washers and screens
3. Bleacher and cleaners
4. Refiners
Paper making1. Preparing the stock
2. Forming the sheet
3. Pressing the sheet
4. Drying the sheet
1. Stock preparation equipment
2. Fourdrinier machine
3. Press section
4. Dryer section
Winding1. Slitting
2. Rewinding
3. Cutting
1. Slitter rewinder
2. Rewinder
3. Log saw
Converting1. Perforating
2. Embossing
3. Cutting
4. Packaging
1. Perforating machine
2. Embosser
3. Log saw \
4. Packaging equipment

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